Friday, September 28, 2007

Weekend Getaway

Bright and early tomorrow morning I am off to a weekend retreat at a conference center on Lake Hickory, about 70 miles west of Winston-Salem. I'm driving alone so I am in high anxiety as I print out, highlight, study and otherwise over-analyze the driving directions. (I have self named my condition: the corn maze syndrome.)

Anyway, this trip is for my Stephen Ministry church group. We have an annual weekend retreat and it's always a good time. I missed it last year because of my MOB tour of duty.

This center is a Baptist conference facility (we're Methodists) so it's geared towards religious conferences. There are no TV's on the premises; just one large monitor for presentations. Nor are there phones or radios in the rooms. I understand that the contract states that there will be a $100 fine per incident if anyone is caught smoking or consuming alcohol. One person in our group, a cigar smoker, jokingly said he's prepaid the $100 fine so he can enjoy his cigar after dinner.

The weather forecast is perfect. And there's a beautiful hiking trail around the lake. I'm looking forward to communing with my friends and also some meditative alone time. This will be a low tech, contemplative weekend.

Peace for the soul. Direction for the journey. seen on a church marquee a few blocks from our house.


Jerry said...


It's just a road trip. There are devices you can get that will lead you, step by step, turn by turn, to you destination. I beleive one is even endorsed by Stevie Wonder.

Peggy said...

You're right - a GPS is what I need. It's an option on some new cars. My next car will have one!

Will said...

Mom, our new Razr phones have GPS capabilities, where you can enter an address and it will give you turn-by-turn directions right on the screen, as you're moving. I think it's $10/month or $2.99 for 24 hours and you can activate it right on the phone if you need it in an emergency.