Tuesday, January 29, 2008

An Imagination Celebration

I always marvel at how little ones, not afraid of what anyone else thinks, use their imagination while playing. For many children, once they become more aware of their peers, it seems the imagination is stifled--maybe because of fear of disapproval or worse being the cause of laughter. I don't think it happens to all--can't imagine someone like Robin Williams ever fearing this peer disapproval as a child and he certainly has never lost his imaginative streak! Josh, I believe, is going to be one of those kids who does his own thing , will always retain his imaginative mind, and will relish in the laughter of others.

Here he is after finding Grandpa's bike helmet and gloves and putting them on.

Oh, but it's so much more fun to pull the helmet down. Now he's a strong Power Ranger.

Unlike big brother, no waiting until age 10 to try any food item.
He'll try anything and usually enjoys everything that is offered.