Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Monkees

Aren't they cute? Among my collection of stuffed animals is this trio of sock monkeys. The originals were made from Rockford Red Heel socks in the 1930's. They have become a favorite piece of "Americana" over the years. Intended as work socks, mothers in the early 1900's fashioned the socks into toys for their children. The bright red heel became the trademark lips.

In the photo, the large monkey on the left was hand crafted at a senior citizens craft store in Winston-Salem. I had to search high and low to find an authentic one. The other two I found at a department store. They were made in China - far from the real thing.

Rockford Red Heel socks are still made and even come with instructions on how to craft a sock monkey.

Coming soon ... a post on my collection of Taco Bell talking chihuahuas!


Chris said...

I know you have a collection of Beanie Babies too. Where do you keep all these collections?

I'm cleaning out and am in process of pricing for a garage sale over at a friend's. My kids are not interested in me passing down to them any of the "stuff" I've kept over the years.

Peggy said...

Out of curiousity I just looked on eBay and see there are over 11,500 listings for Beanie Babies. I do have a very small collection and I keep them in a box in the closet. They don't take up much room at all. I keep them for fun - they're not worth anything monetarily.

I collected the Taco Bell dogs because I thought they were hilarious. I also have a small collection of the dancing raisins (from the Grapevine song). Hardees gave these out as a promotion years ago. A raisin with arms and legs playing a saxaphone - who couldn't love that?

Chris said...

Thanks for the little history lesson on the monkeys...I had seen them before but sure didn't know anything about how they came about, etc.

Is Tammi dressed up in her green for St. Pat's Day today?

Peggy said...

Tammi will not wear green. She says it clashes with her skin tone. She can be difficult.