Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Same ingredients, new package!

This blog is three years old now. It is time for an extreme makeover. New colors, a trim, a little liposuction, a nip, tuck and a brow lift, and now we have the new look. Feels better already.

In looking back through the archives I notice the decrease in number of posts over time. That's to be expected and that's okay. Any post made on the blog is greatly anticipated, is fun to read and always a surprise. Even those done on an annual basis (hi John).

For many, Facebook has become the way to keep in touch in a more concise and expedient way. It is wonderful how the social networks have allowed folks to connect in such an easy manner. And to be reintroduced to long lost friends and relatives, what better way to do this? I'm not quite on board yet but one of these days I will jump in.

In the meantime, the Barr Blog is still fun for me. The Blogger program is constantly adding new little things that I can play around with to make the page new and different. The whole blogging thing has been a great learning experience.

So here we are with one fourth of the year behind us. Lots of good things have happened in my life. I have a lovely new daughter-in-law now and I love this addition to our family. And of course there is little Walter James. Grandparenthood is so wonderful and much more of a blessing than I ever expected.

I love you all, my siblings. You're the best family and I hold you near and dear to my heart.


Melanie said...

Great new look Mom! Love the face lift :) When you get on Facebook, Jason and I will be sure to NEVER unfriend you :)

Chris said...

Love the new look too Peggy. Hope our remodeling project turns out as well. 3/5 of your siblings are now on FB...just waiting for you younger ones to join us.

Tammi said...

Peggy, I really love the new look of the blog. Since you're done with it, can we please go shopping - I need a new Easter outfit. I want to look nice when the "kids" from Raleigh come for Easter lunch. Can't wait to see everyone!

Missy said...

I love it! I have no idea how to change everything to cute stuff! I did add music to mine but that's as fancy as it gets. :)